Vision: 3 Steps to a clear business vision is the text over a women dressed in business suit on a cliff looking our into blue cloudy sky with a spyglass for Title Visual MssyBiz dot com post called Vision: How to Clearly Find It.
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In recent training for the How to Bling Your Blog online course, there’s an introductory time period where the importance of understanding your business, intimately, is examined. Creating a Mission/Vision/Values or Statement of Purpose or developing a Business Manifesto helps to achieve a unified understanding and direction for your business.

Embracing and promoting a unified direction helps to achieve the business results you are targeting.

But, one thing nobody talks about is how to find or define “Vision.” Nor do they say what it takes for a “Vision” to be effective as the overriding directive for your business. So, that’s why I’m so excited to share the wisdom of YuKai Chou on this very topic.

NOTE: You can hear more of what I’m learning from YuKai and his Octalysis Principle defining human behavior for gamification in business models. He identifies 8 core drives (motivational) in all people that propel them to take action.

Psst. Fun and creativity play a part!

Just 3 Steps to Find Direction for Your Biz

I love the three (3) steps of solid thinking YuKai puts together. These steps will guide you to guide your business with an intentional “Vision.”

Embracing and promoting a unified direction helps to achieve the business results you are targeting. Rigorously testing this 3-part framework to find clarity in defining your business “Vision” may help:

1- Creativity is your friend and a key starting point.

2- Checking your logic is imperative to be sure that your idea for a business vision is doable.

3- Conviction is the glue that holds your creative Vision and the logic to carry it out, together. This step is invaluable for a successful business!

Leading with optimism and confidence by doing this three-step procedure helps you make your business vision a reality.

A Business Vision Gives Direction

Even if you are a freelancer or soloprenuer, an overriding business vision guides your priorities so you stay on track. Working towards a direction gives you a distinct purpose and goals to target.

Besides, understanding who you are as a business, inside and out, is the first step to defining yourself to others. If you don’t know who you are, no one else will, either. It’s absolutely that significant!

Be YOU. Do YOU. Shine as YOU. But to do so, you really need to take the time to examine and understand your business, deeply.

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