Your Goal Guide

Debra Eckerling On the MSSYBiz Podcast Cover Thumbnail

If you’re still working on your goals and trying to distill what’s on the most important list, Debra Eckerling, author of Your Goal Guide, is sure to offer help. Believe me, Deb shares great tips, a complete method called “the DEB Method” to help you focus on, plan, and most importantly, achieve your goals; and, …

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Questioning Social Media These Days

Social Censorship...the strings are showing by

I’m questioning social a lot these days. Are you? Yes, I was dragged into social media kicking and screaming. But, after a lot of experimentation, learning, and working, social became crucial to my digital presence. Essentially the turning point to getting readers to see my hours and hours of writing work finally; social media also …

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Are You a Critic and Cynic or Contributor and Creator?

Welcome to the MSSYBiz Podcast title visual with show name, WMB logo, and flamingo with mic logo design

SHOW NOTES: Times are tough right now with issues of colorism, chaos, and COVID. Now is the time, then, to collaborate and get creative. Embracing an innovative approach in finding solutions as well as pivots for yourself and your business is key. Taking action and contributing to solutions are the only ways to keep moving …

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Welcome to the MSSYBiz Podcast title visual with show name, WMB logo, and flamingo with mic logo design

SHOW NOTES: When Lisa Sicard of InspireToThrive visits the show, there’s sure to be something to learn and this time, it’s all about GMB, or Google My Business. Lisa starts by explaining why Google My Business is a way to get notice and promotion of your business via Google. And everyone wants that, right? The …

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Talking Business in the C-Word World

Business Re-Start in a New World is the copy on this Title Slide for the Episode "Talking Business in the C-Word World" for the MSSYBiz dot com site and MIX/SIZZLE & SHAKE YOUR BUSINESS Podcast by Sue-Ann Bubacz

SHOW NOTES: Staying positive is much easier said than accomplished especially at a time like this. The overriding doom of a slowing economy is only dwarfed by the bigger fear of widespread sickness and death. Of losing people you love, and know. If you aren’t feeling a little personal upheaval, there’s something wrong.  Not to …

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Vision: How to Clearly Find It

Vision: 3 Steps to a clear business vision is the text over a women dressed in business suit on a cliff looking our into blue cloudy sky with a spyglass for Title Visual MssyBiz dot com post called Vision: How to Clearly Find It.

SHOW NOTES: In recent training for the How to Bling Your Blog online course, there’s an introductory time period where the importance of understanding your business, intimately, is examined. Creating a Mission/Vision/Values or Statement of Purpose or developing a Business Manifesto helps to achieve a unified understanding and direction for your business. But, one thing …

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What Does it Mean to Sizzle in Your Business?

What does it mean to Sizzle in Your Business? Now is the perfect time for bringing the extras to do your best business.

SHOW NOTES: How do you turn up the sizzle in your business? In this episode of the MIX/SIZZLE & SHAKE YOUR BUSINESS Podcast, taking a three-word look as an overarching theme helps. And although it’s March, it’s never too late to turn up the heat on business! Chris Brogan came up with this 3-word theory …

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