The Power of LIVE Streaming for Your Business with Ross Brand

Ross Brand Joins MSSYBiz for an Interview!


Ross Brand is a LIVE Streaming expert and King of the Stream, and today he shares tips, tricks, processes, and equipment information to help you use Live Streaming to connect with people and market your business on social platforms with Live video.

Ross hosts the weekly StreamYard Connect LIVE show as well as achieving 5 years of LIVE Streaming work as host of LiveStream Universe. You can connect with Ross on Twitter, or go ahead and subscribe to LiveStream Universe on YouTube so you can catch more from Ross on important topics in streaming and digital. 

Ross Brand is a professional live streamer who has served in many capacities such as Red Carpet host for the Emmy Award-winning Never Settle Show, produced by Al Roker Entertainment, brand ambassador for Wirecast, and on-camera host for multiple Facebook Live Video and LinkedIn Live developers and broadcast solutions, including StreamYard, BeLive and LiveU.

Ross was selected as one of 5 Live Video Experts to Follow by Switcher Studio.

More to Know Than the Show in LIVE Streaming

Here is the outline of questions I prepared for Ross but, you better tune in by watching or listening to the episode because I hit him with a surprise question right off the bat! This episode is seriously packed with information you can use for audio and video production for your business, I promise…

Signup and try out StreamYard for yourself right here!

Outline of Possible Questions for Ross:

1- I love the versatility in what LIVE streaming is being used for, particularly now in the WFH world—everything from church streams to music streams to auctions and theatre 🎭 productions to an intense look at the oil and gas industry—just about everything under the sun is going to LIVE streams these days!! But other than the endless possibilities for WHAT you can do, my question to you, Ross, is more of a WHY… So why is LIVE streaming such a powerful medium for businesses? What are the benefits, Ross? Is it here to stay? 

2- What’re the barriers to entry for LIVE streaming? Can anyone do it? 

3- Does success in streaming depend on special equipment or expensive tools? 

4- What’s the most important thing to pay attention to right off the bat for your best chance of success in doing a Livestream Show? (Audio) 

Listen to Why Audio is a Key to Video with Ross

Can you recommend top picks for microphones? 

This is the Shure Mic Ross uses, the MV7, and this is the newest USB Shure offers and to rave reviews!

5- What’s the difference between an Atem (or ATEM mini) and a StreamDeck, or do they work together? At what point are they needed? 

6- How do you plan and schedule your show’s content? Do you have a formal or informal process? Do you suggest a standard show format, or is it okay to vary? 

7- How far ahead do you promote upcoming shows, and what’s your best technique to do so? 

8- Have you worked with a co-host before and if so, do you like flying solo better? Why or why not? 

9- Are guests a must, or can shows without guests work just as well, do you think? 

10- Scripting and Storyboards or FreeFlow as-you-go? Best advice for people in developing their shows? And how do you do it?

Ultimately, Live streaming allows you an opportunity to gain visibility, create awareness, and makes you more recognizable in your industry. It offers you a direct connection to people and lets them see you up close and personally, in a kind of “raw” fashion. But through valuable and helpful content, it raises your credibility and authority, helping you build your business and brand. Best of all, you can create a “community” with clients/customers, colleagues, and new friends.

Doing LIVE presentations is an effective form of video marketing or social selling, entrenched in relationship building. A reflection of the current state of digital marketing, this medium promotes a customer-first approach for businesses of every kind. It only ends with your imagination.

Ross Brand image from LIVE show interview for MSSYBiz discussing LIVE stream video for your business.
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Ross Brand, “King of the Stream”

The Challenge is in the Details…Show Details That Is!

I love that Ross confesses, uh um, “reveals” he has the same challenges for producing a great LIVE as any other joe average business guy like you and I may struggle with as well. Things like when and if to acknowledge audience interaction and questions, being the number one stressor. Are you wasting people’s time acknowledging your LIVE audience or being inclusive, interactive, and human? Can you cover your important show content and showcase a guest well with these time-outs, and when are they necessary to grow and connect with viewers? Ross says some of his most successful shows involving his LIVE audiences are the shows where he conducts simple Q and A sessions or talks equipment directly with people watching.

The Challenge is in the Details…Show Details That Is! #StreamYard #Livestreaming #Video featuring @irossbrand 🎧🎬🎤

Psst. Now for a secret. The best part of the experience of having Ross as a guest for the MSSYBiz Show as I am experimenting and learning about LIVE streaming production are the mic tips he shared before we went LIVE. People actually gave me feedback that I sounded better for this show!! Thanks, Ross:) And, on top of that, Ross gave me feedback and notes for improvements after the show as well.

Now you know my secret, you can expect even better show production going forward, right? lol

Coming up, I’m going to Talk Twitter with you LIVE. Anthony Gaenzle from Granite Creative will be joining me to discuss,  Introductions From Around the Globe: How to Build Relationships for Business, Virtually.

If you have any questions on these upcoming topics, please let me know. Comments are welcome below, and as always, thanks for reading, viewing, or listening! Happy New Year to you and a huge thank you.

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